Archive for News

Keep on Rollin’ album promo for Voodoo Swing, Electric Lotus Label and Gretsch guitars

Here is a promo I shot for the new Voodoo Swing album, ” Keep on Rollin’ “, for sale May 7th, 2011. Voodoo Swing are signed with Electric Lotus Label and sponsored by Gretsch guitars


Brandon Adamson – Apricots and Afterthoughts

Finished color correction late last night. Final titles complete. Without further ado, here is Brandon Adamson – Apricots and Afterthoughts. Enjoy.


Polaroids scanned and ready to edit,

All the Polaroids have been scanned for Apricots and Afterthoughts, now begins the color correcting and editing.


Polaroid photo shoot today.

I shot about 200 Polaroids for a music promo today with Ashleigh Taylor Silverman (model) and Brandon Adamson (musician) for his upcoming single, “Apricots and Afterthoughts”. The idea is to stitch the photos together on a video timeline and create a nostalgic slideshow animation effect. I’m super happy with the results. I think with a little color correcting, it’s going to look very nice.

The day started out with a bit of a snag, my light assembly got all jacked and wouldn’t lock down. I was unable to point it in any direction other than straight up. This was remedied with copious amounts of blue painters tape, which at times I use en lieu of gaffers tape, problem solved.

Most of the film carried an expiration date between 2002 and 2008. Because it was bought from multiple sources, it was impossible to know if it was cared for properly. Brandon and I did do some test shots earlier this week and to be honest the results were mixed.

I would say that the shoot today had an 85% usable shot rate. Whereas, the other 15% were throw aways do to the emulsion being dried out. Once more, the practice shots we took represented some of the poorest examples and by firing those we actually got rid of some of the bad roles rather then shooting them during production. So everything worked out great. Also, I should add, Ashleigh takes beautiful pictures. This was a major contributing factor to the high usable footage rate. And she is a sweetheart to boot.

I also took some 35mm stills, after I scan those I’ll post a couple here.

In other news: today is my birthday.


Polaroid promo coming next month

Brandon Adamson is prepping for an upcoming music promo to be shot entirely on Polaroid Spectra film next month. He’s been buying tons of the stuff on ebay, I’m going to do all the photography and after the pics are scanned edit the piece together. He’s picked out a model and forwarded me her Model Mayhem page. She’s a super cutie so I’m excited and think thing will turn out great.


Shot some scenes for writer / director Mike Pearson this weekend,

This weekend I shot some scenes for writer / director Mike Pearson’s upcoming project. I’ve agreed not to divulge any info regarding the content as it is “in production”. There will be more info available as the project progresses. All the motion footage captured this weekend was super 8mm, shot on his Sankyo 620 XL camera. We used pro8mm stock, 200T(interiors) and 64D (exteriors). And I shot some medium format promo stills on his Holga.


The music video I directed for the Automatic Erasers is featured on Zia Records new DVD compilation, “You Saw Us Back When…: Vol. 1”

England Flies, the music video I directed for the Automatic Erasers is featured on the first ever Zia Records DVD compilation, “You Saw Us Back When…: Volume 1”. The DVD consists of short films, music videos and trailers.

Zia Records top sales for the week ending Sept. 27, 2009
(reposted from the Tucson Weekly)

1. Brand New / Daisy (Interscope)

2. VA (DVD) / You Saw Us Back When Vol. 1 (Zia Records)

3. Pearl Jam / Backspacer (Monkeywrench)

4. Monsters of Folk / Monsters of Folk (Shangri-La)

5. Muse / The Resistance (Warner Bros.)

6. Insane Clown Posse / Bang! Pow! Boom! (Psychopathic)

7. The Beatles / Abbey Road (remastered) (EMI)

8. Megadeth / Endgame (Roadrunner)

9. Tech N9ne (DVD) / Strictly Strange (Strange)

10. Jay-Z / The Blueprint 3 (Roc Nation)


There May Be Pleasure screening tonight in Milan, Italy

MilanoCinema and Kodak are holding their second Italian Super 8 Film Festival, with non-stop screenings October 24th and 25th. The event is going to feature a vintage and a current super 8 film lineup. My film, There May Be Pleasure is playing in the competition program on the 25th.

For more info check out


England Flies is screening tonight at the Super 8mm Fesztivál in Szeged Hungary

England Flies, the music video I shot for The Automatic Erasers, is screening tonight at the Super 8mm Fesztivál in Szeged Hungary.

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TONIGHT: Garage Shock play an entire cover set of songs from 90’s garage rock favorite The Mummies

Tonight I’m shooting a video for my friends in Garage Shock performing their now famous Mummies revue tribute show. The show is at the Yucca Tap Room in Tempe, AZ on the corner of Mill Ave. and Southern. Come on out, it’s free and should be a blast.

For those of you not in the know, The Mummies were the premier band to come out of the 90’s garage rock revival circuit. Dressed in complete mummy costumes while they performed, their lo-fi antics and budget rock showcase solidified them as one of the most watched underground bands in the San Francisco music scene.

UPDATE 7/10/09: here’s some footage from the show

For more songs, check out my youtube channel:
