IMDb Theaters to host trailer for There May Be Pleasure
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is hosting There May Be Pleasure’s trailer as part of a pilot for their new IMDb Theaters initiative.
Here is the original letter,
—–Original Message—–
From: Withoutabox Support
To: Steven Christopher Wallace (confidential)
Sent: Thu, 22 May 2008 2:34 pm
Subject: Invitation to showcase your film on IMDb TheatersDear Steven Christopher Wallace
You’ve been invited to showcase your work on IMDb Theaters. Read on to see how you can be among the first to join this exciting new program.
What is IMDb Theaters?
IMDb Theaters is a major new initiative from IMDb (The Internet Movie Database) and Withoutabox to create a global, online showcase for top short films. More than 50 million passionate movie lovers visit IMDb each month, making it the world’s most popular movie site and one of the largest sites on the internet. Now, for the first time, consumers are be able to watch high quality, streaming video, right on IMDb Title Pages.Read the rest of this entry »